Himalayan Experience Trek

Himalayan Experience trek
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10 days Centre Tibet culture tour:
EUR: 1,500
EUR: 1,650

10 days Centre Tibet culture tour:

Tibet is the main land for Vajrayana Buddhist religion and culture. In the 7th century Tibetan King Songtsen Gompo’s queen Bhrikuti princess of Nepal, played main role to established Buddhism in Tibet. There are several Vajrayana Buddhist monasteries all over the Tibet.

In Tibetain Buddhism there are three major groups: Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana. In the Vajrayana Tibet Buddhism, there are four different groups Buddhist religion’s Schools (Monasteries) in Tibet. Ningma, Gyaluk (yellow hat) Kagyu and Sakya. These all-religious monasteries you can visit during the trip at central Tibet.


The age doesn’t make any difference for this trek, between 17 to 70 years, anyone can do this trip if you are physically fit and healthy. During this short trip holidays, you can visit  many monasteries, stupas, cities and lakes. 

Namtso is the highest salt lake in the world, which is situated at 4,718m. above see level. For the moment at Namtso not available any kinds of lake side accommodation, because of environmentel protection regulations of the government. After visit the lake you have to drive to Damxung for overnight stay.

This trip will be starting from Lhasa end at Lhasa. Our Lhasa agent will provide comfortable tourist standard vehicles,Jeep for small groups, van for middle group and Bus for big groups. During the trip all the hotels  accommodation with bed and  breakfast twin sharing basis. About the  lunch and dinner you can decide with your guide. 


 Best season Available all around the year
Dueration of the trip 10 days.
Group size 4 to 18 persons.
Maximum elevation

Namtso Lake (alt. 4,718m.)


Per person

Euro 1,650.00

Single supplement Euro 100.00 extra cost.
The above-mentioned cost includes all the government taxes.
Group rates available, can be negotiate.

What’s Included

 9-nights hotel with bed and breakfast twin sharing basis at Tibet as itinerary.

 Buffet meals at Tibet (Breakfast, lunch, dinner with hot or cold drinks.


All the necessary transports by privet vehicle.

Group visa for Tibet (Minimum 4 persons in group)

 Lhasa center Tibet and Namtso lake  permits.

 Monasteries entry fees at Tibet.


  1 experience english speaking Tibetan guide for Tibet.

 Sightseeing at Lhasa region as itinerary by privet vehicle with guide.

What’s Not Included

❌ International airfare (flight ticket) and taxes.

❌ Rescue service, medical and travel insurances.  

❌ Tips for Guide and drivers.

❌ All personal expenses like alcoholic beverages, bottled drinks, and Laundry.


Daily Itinerary:

Upon your arrival at Lhasa, Gongkar airport our Tibet agent’s guide will welcome you with Tibetan tradition Khatak. Lunch at Gongkar after lunch drive to the stars hotel as your booking at Tsedang, welcome drinks at the reception check in room. Buffet dinner at your hotel’s restaurant. Your tour guide will brief you about tours and other necessary information about Tibet.

After breakfast, check out the room and drive to Samyea monastery. Samyea is the first and oldest monastery inTibet, which is known as the mother monastery of the Nyingmapa, built by king Trisung Detsen held by Guru Rimpoche (Padma Sambawa) at the bank of Brahmaputra river. The monastery itself has a very interesting story, there are White, Red, Green and Black colours four different subject stupas around the monastery. Nowadays there are around only 300 monks at Samyea monastery.

After visiting the Samyea monastery and lunch drive back to Tsedang drive to Yumbu Lhakhang which is 30 km. outside of Tsedang town. Visit Yambu Lhakhang, Traduk and Mindurling monastery on the way back. Drive onward VIA Gongkar airport 47km. to Lhasa stars hotel as your booking. Welcome drinks at the reception check in room, buffet dinner at hotel’s restaurant.

After breakfast at the hotel, visit Tibet’s most sacred Jokhang monastery, located at the heart of the ancient town of Lhasa. It was built in the 7th century by the Tibetan King Songtsen Gampo’s queen Bhrikuti princess of Nepal. The monastery is 3 stories high, inside the monastery at ground floor you can see the most sacred beautiful golden statue of Buddha Shakyamuni. It has around only 70 monks nowadays.

After Jkokang walk to visit another sacred Ramuche Cho. Lunch near Potala palace. After lunch visit Potala palace; the palace was built by king Songtsen Gampo 637 B. C. after rebuild by 5th Dalai lama on 17th century. The palace is 130 m. above Lhasa city. The palace is built with three meters thick stone walls, 13 floors more than 1000 different rooms with two different colours. The White colour Palace mainly used for government administration and the Red colour’s palace mainly used for religious functions. In side the palace there is numerous chapels, including those containing reliquary stupas of the successive Dalai Lamas which are richly decorated in gold, silver and semi-precious stones. Today you can visit Potala palace as a state museum. Paying the enter ticket, every tourist and pilgrimage can visit as official time, the palace will close Sunday and government holidays at Tibet.

Afternoon sightseeing at ancient Bhakor street market. Dinner at Tibetan restaurant at Bhakor, back to the same hotel.

After breakfast ,7 km. drive to Drepung monastery which takes about 15 minutes. Drepung is the largest monastery in Tibet, built in the 15th century by Jamyang Choeje, one of Tsongkapa’s disciple. The monastery located up in a hill. There are four main colleges with numerous small chapels and house chapels, which known as Khangtsen in Tibetan. Nowadays there are around six hundred monks at this monastery. Near Drepung there is a sacred Neachung Lhamu monastery which you can visit as same time.

After visiting Drepung, drive to Norbu Linka summer palace. Norbu Linka is the first summer Palace which was founded by the 7th Dalai Lama in the 18th century. Nowadays there are few monks who look after the summer palace. Lunch at Norbulingka.

After visiting Norbulingka summer palace, drive to sera monastery. Sera monastery was founded in the 15th century by Jamchen Choeje who is another famous disciple of Tsongka pa, which is the second largest monastery in Tibet. There are three colleges with numerous chapels and house chapels. The most attraction to visit this monastery is to see the monk’s debating which is held from 3:00 to 5:00 Pm. Monday to Saturday.

After visiting Sera and the monk's debating drive back to the hotel, a buffet dinner at the hotel's restaurant.

After breakfast at your hotel, about 60 km. drive along the Lhasa Kichu river, pass through beautiful Tibetan villages to Ganden monastery at the mountain. Ganden is the six biggest Gelukpa monasteries and it is the mother monastery of the Yellow hat school. Where you can see the golden seat of Dalai lamas. From Ganden you can see beautiful views of the valley and mountains.

After visiting Ganden monastery, drive back to Tsurphu H.H. Karmapa’s monastery which is 70 km away from Lhasa. Lunch at Ganden or Tsurphu your guide will decide and inform you. The 1st Karmapa Dusum Khyenpa founded the Tsurphu Monastery in 1189, which became the main residence of the Karma Kagyu school. The Buddha statue inside Tsurphu monastery is the largest one-piece statue in Tibet.

After visiting Tsurphu monastery drive to Yamdrok lake with is 207 km from Lhasa. You will drive through high passes Kamba la, Karo la and Simila la. You can see beautiful holy lake Yamdork Tso, which is known as Turquois Lake in Tibet. For overnight accommodation at Yamdrok Tso. Buffet dinner at Tibetain restaurant.

After breakfast check out the room, drive about 90 km. Gyantse stop for tea, visit Palkhor monastery and Kubum Stupa. Which is built in 15th century by Rabten Kunsang and first Penchen Lama. Gyantse town, which is the nearest border (Nathula pass) with India Sikkim. 

After visit the monastery and stupa drive about 90 km. to Shigatse, which  is the second largest city at Tibet, the home of H.H. Banchen Lama. En- route visit Shalu monstery if you are interested. Overnight accommodation at stars hotel with bed, breakfast and dinner as your booking. Check in room after short rest visit Tashilumpo monastery the seat of Benchen Lama. Tashilonpo Monastery which was built in 1447 by first Dalai Lama. After visit the monastery back to hotel for buffet dinner.

After breakfast at hotel, check out the room, drive about 127 km. from Shigatse to Sakya monastery via Lhatse, this is the main monastery of H.H. Sakya Trizin Rimpoche (now days at Dheradoon Utter Khanda, India). The monastery which is very famous and old monastery at this region. There are a lot of historical articles in the monastery, among them are found a lot of the imperial certificates, gold signets, crowns, over 10,000 volumes of Tibetan books on astronomy, medicine, calligraphy, and history. Inside the monastery you can see several old Buddhist texts, huge juniper tree’s pillars and many other.

After visit the famous monastery take lunch at Sakya, drive back same road to Shigatse take tea break, drive from Shigatse to Lhasa  271 km. evening you will reach at Lhasa. Check in hotel room, buffet dinner at hotel's restaurant.



After breakfast check out the room, drive about 250 km from Lhasa to Namtso lake, which takes about 4 to 5 hours. Namtso lake is the highest elevation's salt lake in the world. It is one of the holy lake at Tibet among three lakes. Now days lake side accommodations are not available because of environmentel protection regulations of the government. After visit the lake drive to Damxung for overnight accommodation.

After breakfast check out the room, same road drive back to Lhasa for lunch. At Lhasa check in hotel room afternoon free day as you like shopping or visit some other places. Evening farewell typical Tibetain dinner with music and cultur dance program.After dinner back to hotel.

After breakfast or lunch, our representative will drive before three hours your flight time to airport flight back to your destination or one hours before your train time at Lhasa train station. Don't forget tips for your guide and driver.     Complete the Tibet trip.

The route itinerary is only for your idea and short information, details about date and trekking cost please contact us.

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Himalayan Experience trek from east to west Nepal,Tibet and Ladakh. Mr. Kirken Sherpa, Aschbach 46, A - 6444 Langenfeld, Tirol, Austria
Tel: + 977 9841 737 555 (Nepal) / + 43664 551 5546 (Austria) Email: hellokirken@gmail.com
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